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Copyright: 2012 Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors

Institute Inbrief - 07/02/2017


Welcome to Edition 263 of Institute Inbrief! If we in the helping professions are to serve the burgeoning demographic of older, often unwell, people – or the caregivers caring for them – we need to know what their needs are. How are we to view death, and what philosophical or spiritual framework will help us work with clients dealing with it? This edition’s featured article entertains the question of what philosophical or spiritual preparation mental health helpers need in order to counsel someone who is chronically ill or dying, or that person’s caregiver.
Also in this edition:
  • What is MBCT? Definition and Background
  • A Case of Lost Direction
  • Wellness and Exercise: Question to Ask Your Client
  • Social Media Updates & Much More!
Enjoy your reading!
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Bachelor and Master of Counselling
Semester 1, 2017 intake – closing soon
Have you started thinking about study in 2017?
Our Semester 1, 2017 intake is now open for the Bachelor of Counselling and Master of Counselling.
Places are strictly limited, so please express your interest early.
The programs are all government Fee-Help approved, so you can Learn Now and Pay Later.
Some unique features of the programs include:
  • [Master] Receive up to 6-months credit for prior Counselling studies
  • [Bachelor] Affordable, high quality tertiary education
  • Study externally from anywhere in Australia, even overseas
  • Residential Schools in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth*
  • Start with just 1 subject
  • Online learning portal with all study materials, readings and video lectures
  • Live in Sydney? Attend regular classes at our Parramatta campus*
*New students in Bachelor of Counselling only
You can learn more about the programs here:
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Applications will exceed available places, so we urge you to submit your obligation free expression of interest now.
Diploma of Counselling
Imagine Being Passionate About Your Work
And Assisting People Every Day Lead Better Lives
It’s rare these days to hear people talk about their work with true passion. You hear so many stories of people working to pay the bills; putting up with imperfect situations; and compromising on their true desires. That’s why it’s always so refreshing to hear regular stories from graduates living their dream to be a Counsellor. They’re always so full of energy, enthusiasm and passion. There’s no doubt that counselling is one of the most personally rewarding and enriching professions.
Just imagine someone comes to you for assistance. They’re emotionally paralysed by events in their life. They can’t even see a future for themselves. They can only focus on their pain and grief. The despair is so acute it pervades their entire life. Their relationship is breaking down and heading towards a divorce. They can’t focus on work and are getting in trouble with their boss. They feel they should be able to handle their problems alone, but know they can’t. It makes them feel helpless, worthless. Their self-esteem has never been lower. They’re caught in a cycle of destruction and pain.
Now imagine you have the knowledge and skills to help this person overcome their challenges. You assist to relieve their intense emotional pain. You give them hope for the future. You assist to rebuild their self-esteem and lead a satisfying, empowered life. As a Counsellor you can experience these personal victories every day. And it’s truly enriching. There is nothing more fulfilling than helping another person overcome seemingly impossible obstacles.
You can learn more here:
Other courses:
Applications of Positive Psychology Masterclass Day
On Saturday 11 February 2017 Mental Health Academy are delivering a very special event, being a full immersive Masterclass Day on the “Applications of Positive Psychology,” by renowned specialist Sue Langley of The Langley Group.
The event will be delivered entirely online (with videos accessible after the event). Registrations are strictly limited due to capacity caps.
Participants will enjoy:
  • A full-day, immersive learning experience with master trainer Sue Langley, MSc.
  • Learn key principles and techniques of Positive Psychology to improve client outcomes and wellbeing.
  • Five 1-hour sessions in real-time (11/02/17) and on-demand (12-19/02/17).
  • A downloadable Certificate of Attendance for the event.
Tickets for this Masterclass Day are $149.
Get it free: Mental Health Academy Premium members receive complimentary access to all Masterclass Days as a member benefit (on top of all the perks of MHA membership, including over 300 hours of online learning).
AIPC’s Community Services Courses – helping you help your community!
We’ve helped people from all sorts of backgrounds become counsellors, and now we can assist you in fulfilling your goal of working within the Community Services sector! From 2017, AIPC is delivering the following two new courses:
Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) – learn more
Diploma of Youth Work – learn more
There has never been a better time for you to become involved and invested in the Community Services industries. It is predicted, between the years of 2015 to 2019, that employment within the Health Care and Social Assistance industries will increase by 18.7% (, 2015).
By gaining a qualification in Community Services (Case Management) or Youth Work, you will be contributing to an industry that serves a very important purpose: to assist those with personal or relationship challenges. There is nothing more fulfilling than helping others overcome seemingly impossible obstacles. And there’s no better time to do that than now!
To learn more about these programs, visit
Loss and Grief Counselling: Anxiety and Spirituality
Australians, like Americans and their other Western counterparts, are living longer but suffering more chronic diseases. While the Australian boy born today can expect to live to 79.9 years and the Australian girl to 84 (the American statistic is similar), the odds are that they will be plagued by chronic illness, which will eventually kill them. Eighty percent of deaths in the United States now occur among persons age 65 years and older (Lyness, 2004). The majority of deaths occur in the context of chronic illness associated with functional decline. For example, at the time of death, 75 percent are unable to walk, 33 percent are incontinent, and 40 percent are cognitively impaired (Sullivan, 2003). In Australia, about 20 percent have more than one chronic condition (ABC News, 2014), and chronic illness – the leading cause of illness, disability, and death – accounted for 90 percent of all Australian deaths in 2011 (AIHW, 2015). 
For all the prevalence of chronic illness-becoming-terminal, however, clinicians note that few resources are available which address grief and loss in a chronic illness context. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that counsellors are uncomfortable dealing with grief- and loss-related concerns, particularly loss related to death (Kirchberg, Neimeyer, & James, 1998). In one study, 60 percent of rehabilitation counselling trainees were either negative or neutral about working with a client with a life-threatening illness, and 75 percent of the students had a moderate or higher level of death-anxiety themselves. A whopping 83 percent stated that counsellors needed (more) death and dying training (Hunt & Rosenthal, 1997).
Clearly, if we in the helping professions are to serve the burgeoning demographic of older, often unwell, people – or the caregivers caring for them – we need to know what their needs are. How are we to view death, and what philosophical or spiritual framework will help us work with clients dealing with it? This article entertains the question of what philosophical or spiritual preparation mental health helpers need in order to counsel someone who is chronically ill or dying, or that person’s caregiver.
Loss and grief counselling: Anxiety and spirituality
Loss and the consequent experience of grief is an unavoidable part of human experience, yet much controversy surrounds the question of how we should deal with it when it occurs in the context of illness and/or death. As death constitutes arguably the most major transition a human being on the planet ever makes, it is not surprising that we tend to approach the issue cautiously, sensing its sensitivity.
Death anxiety is universal, but we must recognise it
It would seem that death anxiety is a universal human phenomenon, playing a major role – according to existentialist Yalom (1998) – in each person’s internal experience. Yalom notes that a major early developmental task for children is dealing with the fear of having their existence obliterated. To cope with that fear, they erect defences against death awareness in one of two ways: (1) by developing a belief in their own specialness and inviolability (hence the tendency in Australia and New Zealand to refer to young people, especially, as thinking that they are “ten feet tall and bullet-proof”), or (2) by putting faith into an ultimate rescuer. Obviously, being given a diagnosis of a terminal illness – or even a chronic illness which will lead to premature death – is a direct challenge to such defences.
Not only Yalom, but also famously, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, a pioneer in the field of death and dying, highlights the inextricable linking of life and death, arguing that awareness of death presents some of the most potent opportunities to enrich life (Kubler-Ross, 1995). At the very least, such a diagnosis probably serves as a catalyst for reflection on the ultimate meaning of things.
Authors Amie Manis and Nancy Bodenhorn (2006) characterise it like this. All of us – clients, their caregivers and families, people with no illness, and also mental health helpers – live along a continuum of death anxiety and death awareness. As part of the process of preparing to work with clients, we as counsellors must recognise our own position along the continuum.
The continua of death awareness/death anxiety: Where are you?
Let’s work with that idea for a moment. First let’s rate your death awareness. If the continuum goes from 1 to 10, with 1 representing “I hardly ever even think about death” and 10 signifying, “I am highly aware of death and think often about how it will be”, what is your number? What puts you there? Was death awareness always at this level for you, or have recent events changed things?
Moving on to the question of death anxiety, let’s say – on the same continuum – that 1 represents complete comfort with the thought of dying and 10 signifies an absolute panic about the idea. Now what number would you assign to yourself? What life events do you imagine have contributed to you putting yourself there? For example, you may have seen a cherished family member endure a long and painful dying process and feel like you would do anything to avoid that fate, likely placing you further up the scale. Alternatively, you may have had the opportunity to observe the passing of someone who was able to die with grace, dignity, acceptance, and a welcoming attitude to the adventures that he or she believed lie beyond the physical realms. Perhaps in this case your own score would be lower.
Diagnosis shifts clients into crisis mode
Manis and Bodenhorn insist that, in addition to self-awareness about death, we must be aware of our clients’ levels of death awareness and death anxiety. They cite research (Kirchberg, Neimeyer, & James, 1998, in Manis & Bodenhorn, 2006) which showed that lower levels of death anxiety in the counsellor corresponded to higher levels of empathy for the client and also lower levels of secondary trauma experienced by the counsellor in working with the client. But here’s the catch: the levels are all moving. That is, a diagnosis of chronic or terminal illness inevitably causes a shift in where people are along the continuum. It is a crisis, after all, a phenomenon which many have come to explain through the two Chinese pictograms that “spell” crisis: danger and opportunity. Manis and Bodenhorn note Rando’s (1984 in Manis & Bodenhorn, 2006) summary of the five aspects of this crisis:
  • It is not solvable (that is: we may not be able to cure the cancer, lung disease or other illness)
  • The client has likely not had any previous experience coping with chronic/terminal illness
  • It threatens life goals: of the client, his or her family, friends, and co-workers
  • It builds tension and anxiety; this can be integrative or disintegrative
  • It brings unresolved problems to the forefront (Rando, 1984, in Manis & Bodenhorn, 2006)
So how do we as mental health helpers be with this sort of crisis? We can look for answers to the nature of the counselling relationship that is helpful for chronic/terminal illness counselling.
Exploration of existential/spiritual meaning and the counselling relationship
Just as the client’s levels of death anxiety may shift during the processes of illness/dying, so, too, do the phases of the process shift, beginning with the acute crisis phase, moving on to the chronic living-dying phase, and ending with the terminal phase, when the person is close to death (Manis & Bodenhorn, 2006). In addition, individuals with terminal illness go through stages in a pattern unique to themselves, but frequently characterised by Kubler-Ross’ five stages of death and dying (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance; Kubler-Ross, 1969).
Exploring spirituality: the intention and the “permission”
Suffice it to say here that each phase or stage of the illness/dying process requires a different role for the counsellor, from helping the person to reduce anxiety in the acute crisis phase to helping the client with the adaptive tasks confronting a seriously ill person in the chronic phase to facilitating an appropriate death (conflict-reduced, with resolution of concerns) at the terminal phase. This point is immediately crucial for us as mental health helpers if we would serve in the most profound way possible: each phase and stage, regardless of the appropriate counsellor task(s), can and should be permeated with the counsellor’s intention to facilitate – and the counsellor’s “permission” to the client to explore – existential or spiritual meaning as a way of helping the client to live the remaining time as fully and integratively as possible. This needs to be different from “regular” psychotherapy, even transpersonal psychotherapy, says Kubler-Ross (1995), because the dying client needs the stigma and pathologising of the terminally ill to be removed. That can only happen if there is a genuinely egalitarian relationship between therapist and client.
Kubler-Ross emphasised this authentic equality by asserting that knowledge alone would not help terminally ill clients. Rather, the helper needed to involve head, heart, and soul, acknowledging that each other soul has a purpose, and being open to learning from such clients, even while facilitating their growth (Kubler-Ross, 1995). She further stated that counsellor death anxiety created a cloud of negativity, undermining communication with the client. Counsellors, she claimed, needed to shift their mode of being up to a more refined, more intuitive level, thereby becoming more competent at deciphering communications from clients who are often cognitively and communicatively impaired at late stages of illness. Such shifts can happen more fully if counsellors are able to face their own mortality; doing so becomes the helper’s vehicle for both personal and professional development.
As Puchalski suggests:
“All of us, whether actively dying or helping care for the dying, have one thing in common: we will all die. The personal transformation that is often seen in patients as they face death can occur in all of our lives. By facing our inevitable dying we can ask ourselves the same questions that dying patients face – what gives meaning and purpose to our lives, who we are at our deepest core, and what the important things are that we want to do in our lives. By attending to the spiritual dimensions of our personal and professional lives, however we express that, we can better provide care to our patients” (Puchalski, 2002).
Thus we see that living with the knowledge of death, while potentially enriching for everyone, is critical for counsellors working with chronically and terminally ill clients – or even their caregivers. This makes sense, for how do we help a client come to terms with their death if we have not contemplated the questions that help us look into our own? Manis and Bodenhorn (2006) suggest that how we frame death is key to the capacity to sustain ourselves, even finding joy in such work. While acknowledging that discussions of spirituality in counselling have traditionally been viewed as “out of bounds” (p 204) – and the concomitant facilitation of spiritual exploration a “controversial” counsellor role (p 202) – it is nevertheless important to understand the pivotal role that counsellors are in: being able to help clients more fully experience their spirituality as part of living in as much wholeness as possible, and while doing this, experiencing their own spiritual growth.
Moving toward the opportunity part of the crisis
Those with high death anxiety might be surprised to hear this, but people who do the work of facing into their own death come to see opportunities in the experience of death. Yalom (1998) offered observation of a number of startling shifts, indicating personal growth, which characterised terminally ill people who had used the experience of illness as a springboard to greater awareness and to connection with spiritually meaningful experiences. He said that they were able to rearrange life’s priorities, recognising the trivial as trivial, and liberating themselves from things they did not wish to do. Such clients had, said Yalom, an enhanced sense of living in the immediate present, rather than postponing life until retirement or some other future point. They communicated more deeply with loved ones than before the crisis, had fewer interpersonal fears, and took more risks than before. They appreciated with greater vividness the basic aspects of their lives: the changing seasons, the wind, and the falling leaves (Yalom, 1998).
Many have described the heightened sense of creativity when time is perceived to be short. In her book on resilience, Carbonatto (2009), for example, describes a minister who was said to be terminally ill with prostate cancer. He noted that, although his body was some days so weak he could hardly climb up a flight of stairs to his home, he nevertheless was flooded with creative ideas: many of which he actioned during the illness and then later, when he didn’t die as predicted. After finding a more meaningful way of doing his ministry, he survived the cancer.
The take-away message here for mental health helpers is this. We can and are the most logically placed to help clients with a difficult diagnosis face into the loss and grief that that brings. While it is not easy, the work can be highly rewarding, ushering clients into a higher plane of spiritual awareness, from which they can confront the ultimate transition of death. We cannot lead them where we have not gone, so our role as helpers is to do our own work. This is the mandatory preparation required for counsellors and other mental health helpers who would assist the chronically and terminally ill to not only confront the loss and consequent grief that their illness brings, but to also realise the opportunities inherent within it.
This article was adapted from the Mental Health Academy professional development course “Loss and Grief from Chronic and Terminal Illness”. For more information, visit
ABC News. (2014). Australians living longer but suffering more chronic diseases: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. ABC News. Retrieved on 16 November, from: hyperlink.
AIHW. (2015). Chronic diseases. AIHW (The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). Canberra. Retrieved on 16 November, 2015, from: hyperlink.
Carbonatto, M. (2009). Back from the edge. Auckland, New Zealand: Cape Catley, Ltd.
Hunt, B., & Rosenthal, D.A. (1997). Rehabilitation counselors-in-training: A study of levels of death anxiety and perceptions about client death. Rehabilitation Education, 11, 323-335.
Kirchberg, T.M., Neimeyer, R.A., & James, R.K. (1998). Beginning counselors’ death concerns and empathic responses to client situations involving death and grief. Death Studies, 22(2), 99-120.
Kubler-Ross, E. (1995). Death is of vital importance: On life, death, and life after death (G. Grip, Ed.). Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press.
Kubler-Ross, E. (1969). On death and dying. New York: Macmillan.
Lyness, J.M. (2004). End-of-life care: Issues relevant to the geriatric psychiatrist. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Sep/Oct, 2004, 12(5); ProQuest Psychology Journals, 457-472.
Manis, A. & Bodenhorn, N. (2006). Preparation for counseling adults with terminal illness: Personal and professional parallels. Counseling and Values: Apr, 2006, 50(3), 197-207.
Puchalski, C.M. (2002). Spirituality and end of life care. In A.M. Berger, R.K. Portenoy, & D.E. Weissman (Eds.), Principles and practice of palliative care and supportive oncology (2nd ed., pp 799-812). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Sullivan, M. (2003). Hope and hopelessness at the end of life. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry; Jul/Aug, 2003; 11(4); ProQuest Psychology Journals, 393-405.
Yalom, I.D. (1998). Existential psychotherapy. In B. Yalom (Ed.), The Yalom reader: Selections from the work of a master therapist and storyteller. New York: Basic Books.
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What is MBCT? Definition and Background
You may have heard of the Eastern-influenced practice of mindfulness, with roots in Buddhist traditions extending back over 2500 years (Sipe & Eisendrath, 2012). You undoubtedly know about – and are probably at least somewhat familiar with – the (Western) psychotherapeutic approach of CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy, as proposed by Aaron Beck (2011). MBCT is an adaptation of MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center by Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues (Kabat-Zinn, 1990) which brings mindfulness and CBT together. In this article we provide a definition of MBCT, along with an overview of its historical background and development.
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A Case of Lost Direction
Jenny has come to counselling due to strong feelings of dissatisfaction with her life. She is 48 years old, unemployed and does not hold much hope of employment in the future. She has worked in the past at restaurants, in pubs and as a cleaner at a Motel. She said that she could not see any positive changes in her future and was concerned that she would live out her days caring for her son, having little income and no sense of direction. She felt that she lacked any control over her life and was just “marking time”. Jenny came to counselling because she wanted to find out about herself and to find her direction.
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Wellness and Exercise: Question to Ask Your Client
Exercise should be uppermost in the minds of those looking to enhance their wellness. The quest for fitness, however, is so pervasive in developed cultures that some controversies are inevitable. We believe the best approach is for you to offer your client basic guidelines to help them (re-)shape their fitness regimens, but let them be the ultimate arbiters of what is right for their bodies, lifestyles, and preferences. If you are looking to help your client develop a long-term exercise program to enhance their wellness, here are some questions you can ask them to help identify their needs, preferences and goals.
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~ Anna Quindlen
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