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Institute of Professional Counsellors
Welcome to Edition 194 of Institute Inbrief. In this edition’s featured article we explore the fundamentals of Emotionally Focused Therapy, a short-term (8-20 sessions) structured psychotherapy approach to working with individuals, couples, and – more recently – families. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your readership in 2013, and wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas and prosperous start of 2014. We look forward to supporting your personal and professional development in the New Year! Also in this edition: - News: Office closure dates
- MHSS Workshops: December/January
- Articles and CPD updates
- Blog and Twitter updates
- Upcoming seminar dates
Enjoy your reading and your break! Editor. Join our community:
Become A Counsellor or Expand On Your Qualifications With Australia’s Most Cost Effective & Flexible Bachelor of Counselling AIPC is Australia’s largest and longest established educator of Counsellors. Over the past 22-years we’ve helped over 55,000 people from 27 countries pursue their dream of becoming a professional Counsellor. The Bachelor of Counselling is a careful blend of theory and practical application. Theory is learnt through user-friendly learning materials that have been carefully designed to make your studies as accessible and conducive to learning as possible. You can gain up to a full year’s academic credit (and save up to $8,700.00 with RPL) with a Diploma qualification. And with Fee-Help you don’t have to pay your subject fees upfront. Here are some facts about the course: - Save up to $57,000.00 on your qualification.
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- Attend Residential Schools in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to hone your practical skills and network with other students.
Become A Psychologist Earn-While-You-Learn With Australia's Best Value-for-Money & Flexible Bachelor of Psychological Science Psychology is one of the most versatile undergraduate courses, leading to many different career opportunities. And now there's a truly flexible way to get your qualification – with internal or external study options. It means working while you study is a realistic alternative. Cost of living pressures and lifestyle choices are evolving the way we learn and Australian Institute of Psychology (AIP) is paving the way through flexible, innovative learning models: - Save up to $34,800 on your qualification.
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- Earn while you learn with flexible external learning options.
- Be supported by a large team of highly-qualified Psychology professionals.
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- Enjoy a flexible and supportive learning experience.
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AIP is a registered Higher Education Provider with the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, delivering a three-year Bachelor of Psychological Science. The Bachelor of Psychological Science is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC), the body that sets the standards of training for Psychology education in Australasia. APAC accreditation requirements are uniform across all universities and providers in the country, meaning that Australian Institute of Psychology, whilst a private Higher Education Provider, is required to meet exactly the same high quality standards of training, education and support as any university provider in the country.
AIPC provides you with flexible course delivery modes So YOU set the rules for how and when you learn... AIPC’s accredited and nationally recognised Diploma of Counselling is designed so that you determine the manner and pace you study. You study entirely at your own pace (except of course if you’re receiving a government benefit such as Austudy) and you can start at any time, graduating in only 18-months. Not only can you set the pace you study, you also determine the mode you want to study. You can study externally (at home with phone and email access to our counselling tutors); in-Class; online or any combination… all the time fully supported by our huge national team throughout our 8 Student Support Centres. External learning means you can complete your entire course from the comfort of your home (or office, or overseas, or virtually anywhere). Your course comes complete with fully self-contained, referenced and professionally presented learning materials including 18 individual workbooks and readings. It really is as simple as working through the material and contacting us for support along the way. If you live locally to one of our support centres you can also attend tutorials to provide you with face to face contact if you wish (this option is ideal if you enjoy working more independently or have a busy schedule). In-Class learning is a classroom forum where you learn with other students from a qualified lecturer. Classes are available in most main cities, at flexible times. In-Class is a great way for you to accelerate your learning, interact with other students and stay highly motivated. (This option is particularly suitable if you enjoy learning in the classroom environment with other students). Online learning allows you to complete your learning entirely via your PC. You still receive all the high quality hardcopy resources (so you don’t miss out on anything!), but you’ll access all your learning materials and complete assessments online. Any combination. Of course you don’t have to stick with one learning method throughout your studies. You’re welcome to use whichever method suits your needs and desires at the time. You may choose to complete one workbook in-Class, another online, then externally. Whatever is most convenient!
Office Closure Dates Each of the Institute Student Support Centres will be closing for a short break over the Christmas and New Year period (from midday 20th December). Hopefully you will be able to a take a bit of a break too and put your studies aside for a little rest and relaxation over the festive season. During the holiday season Head Office will be accepting completed assessments however you will need to allow a little extra time for their return. Please remember that if you are receiving Centrelink benefits whilst you are completing your course, you will need to submit your assessments in accordance with the due dates on your Course Outline. All offices will re-open at 9am, Monday 6th January 2014. Spotlighting Dopamine to Probe Alcohol Addiction A new technology called optogenetics is helping researchers gain a better understanding of the neurochemical basis of addiction. Optogenetics allows researchers to control the activity of specific populations of brain cells, or neurons, using light. Amazingly, we have pond scum to thank for the new technique; the method was devised to understand how the tiny green algae that give pond scum its distinctive color detect and use light to grow. The technology allowed Evgeny A. Budygin, Ph.D., an assistant professor of neurobiology and anatomy at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, to address critical questions regarding the role of dopamine in alcohol drinking-related behaviors.
MHSS: Help those around you suffering mental illness in silence Our suicide rate is now TWICE our road toll. Many suicides could possibly be averted, if only the people close to the victim were able to identify the early signs and appropriately intervene. RIGHT NOW someone you care about – a family member, friend, or colleague – may be suffering in silence, and you don’t know. With the right training, you can help that family member, friend or colleague. Save $100 when you join an upcoming Mental Health Social Support workshop. Upcoming workshops in December/January: - Gold Coast, QLD: 28 & 29 December
- Gold Coast, QLD: 04 & 05 January
- Gold Coast, QLD: 18 & 19 January
- Gold Coast, QLD: 25 & 26 January
Your registration includes the 2-day facilitated workshop; a hardcopy of the MHSS Student Workbook; and access to an online dashboard where you can obtain your certificate, watch role-play videos, and much more. Endorsements The Mental Health Social Support workshop is approved by several industry Associations for continuing professional development. Learn more: MHSS Specialties Once you complete the MHSS Core program you can undertake the MHSS Specialty Programs: - Aiding Addicts;
- Supporting those with Depression or Anxiety
- Supporting the Suicidal and Suicide Bereaved
- Supporting Challenged Families.
What is Emotionally Focused Therapy? Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), also known as Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT), was developed chiefly by Dr Susan Johnson, who perceived the need for a better way of doing couples therapy than what was available in the mid-1980s as she was finishing her doctoral work. The importance of supporting distressed couples cannot be underscored enough. Johnson noted that recent surveys in North America showed that most people rate finding a loving relationship as their main life goal, placing it ahead of career or financial success (2008). EFT is an empirically supported humanistic treatment that includes elements of experiential, person-centred, constructivist, and systems theory, but is firmly rooted in attachment theory. In EFT, emotions are centrally important in the experience of self, in both adaptive and maladaptive functioning, and in therapeutic change. EFT proponents claim that change occurs when individuals are able to become aware of, regulate, reflect on, and transform emotions taking place within the context of an empathically-attuned relationship. Emotions, so often viewed by distressed clients as “the problem”, are seen as a connection to our most essential needs, a rapid-alert system crucial for survival and advancement. Thus, the emotions themselves do not thwart the therapeutic process. Rather, the problem arises from people’s lack of skill in managing emotions. Because EFT works on the principle that a client must identify with an emotion before disidentifying from it (that is: arrive at a place before being able to leave it), an important goal is to have the live experience of a maladaptive emotion – say, fear or shame – in order to transform it. The transformation comes from the client accessing a new emotional state (one that is primary and adaptive) in session (Wikipedia, 2013a;, 2013). EFT is currently used in treating depression, distressed relationships, and more. Private practices, hospital clinics, and training centres throughout the world use it, some under the auspices of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focussed Therapy (founded by Johnson in 1998). Although it is short-term therapy, 70-75 percent of couples effectively move from distress to recovery using EFT and about 90 percent of couples show significant improvement in their relationships. Even under high stress these results are stable. Depression is significantly reduced, and the results have been obtained in a variety of populations and settings (, 2013; Johnson, 2011). With such a high success rate, we can ask what the goals of EFT are. In this article we will focus on EFT in couples work. Goals of EFT Based as it is on attachment theory, EFT is concerned with fostering the creation of a secure bond between partners. It does this through goals of expanding and reorganising important emotional responses, which help to shift each partner’s position of interaction while initiating new cycles of interaction that are more beneficial for the relationship. Striving to reinforce positive bonds that already exist, EFT also helps engender lasting bonds in a partner or family relationship. A practical technique, EFT works to intervene where needed, creating change to help relationships work more effectively through a spirit of harmony and respect. Techniques of Emotionally Focused Therapy In session, the couple explores their emotions, behaviours, and reactions, thereby identifying the individual roles they each take up in the relationship, and the effect each role has on the total dynamic of the relationship. EFT therapists carefully maintain the boundaries of a secure ad non-judgmental environment, so participants are able to contact and express deep emotions and experiences. By witnessing their partners release feelings and anxieties, participants gain new insights, perceiving differently the validity of their own actions and experiences, and how these impact the relationship as a whole. Partners are allowed to voice their deepest concerns and conflicts without criticism or consequences. Doing so allows the participants to address them and move on to developing behaviours which are more collaborative and productive (, 2013). EFT techniques are based on a few clear basic principles. Basic Principles Let’s take our attention back for a moment to Jenny and George, whose typical interaction we presented in the introduction. They both acknowledge being unhappy with how the relationship is right now, and both sincerely want to improve it. Beyond that, each believes that the other person holds the key to improving the quality of their interactions, and that that person is unwilling to give what is needed to make things come right. Each feels psychologically unsafe in the relationship. Thus, the task of the EFT therapist is to work in a process way to help each partner access their own emotions, and facilitate the responding of the other to those emotions. The goal is to change the stuck interactional patterns (including misperceptions) which have created an insecure bond and unworkable relational system. Those tasks are embodied in the following principles, which each partner gradually comes to understand experientially as the work progresses: - Relationships are attachment bonds. Effective therapy should address the security of the bond and the accessibility and responsiveness of each partner.
- Change involves a new experience of the self, a new experience of the other person, and new relationship events
- Rigid interaction patterns reflect and create emotional states; absorbing emotional states reflect and create rigid interactions (thus: a maintaining loop)
- Emotion is the target and agent of change
- The therapist is a process consultant
- Partners are viewed as doing as well as they can given their current circumstances. Thus, the therapy is non-pathologising. Partners are not deemed to be either sick or unskilled; they are only stuck in habitual ways of dealing with emotions and engaging with others at key moments (Johnson, S., 2011; Wikipedia, 2013a).
Fleshing out those principles, we see that someone’s past (meaning, usually, an insecure attachment) comes to life in the presence of strong emotion. If that past trauma has not been worked through, it seems (to the partner experiencing the emotion) to justify his or her present-day fears, blocks, and styles of relating; these, of course, fuel conflict. Hence the saying in EFT work, that, rather than heal the past relationship, partners must become engaged in creating new relationship events, thus creating desired change. This notion works in concert with the premise that attachment is maintained (including in adult couples) by perceived responsiveness and accessibility and by emotional engagement and contact. When a partner perceives these to be uncertain, the attachment is insecure. The partner then tends to exhibit protest, clinging, depression or despair and, eventually, detachment. Such behavioural sequences become stuck in rigid patterns with unwanted maintaining cycles until the underlying need for secure attachment is addressed. Utilising the further EFT notion of emotion as both the target and agent of change, the therapist begins to transform maladaptive emotions with ones which move toward compassion and connection. EFT understands the importance of soothing (including self-soothing) and helps clients deal with unmet – often out-of-awareness – attachment needs. Clients learn to regulate their emotions through three major motivational systems central to the therapy: styles of attachment, working models of self and other, and attraction (Wikipedia, 2013a). But why does EFT work? The evidence on attachment Johnson claims that EFT has much empirical validation, especially if we include studies in related areas such as attachment. Examining bonding at a neurobiological level, Panksepp found that loss of connection to attachment figures triggers what he called “primal panic”, a special set of fear responses (Panksepp, 1998, in Johnson, 2008). Johnson notes that the words “anxiety” and “anger” hail from the same etymological root, and both arise at moments of disconnection, when attachment figures are nonresponsive. Thus the need for emotional connection is not merely a sentimental one. We are social animals, and studies have now shown that emotional isolation is more dangerous for a person’s health than smoking; it also doubles the likelihood of heart attack and stroke (Johnson, 2008). Similarly, eighteen months after the 9/11 attacks in the United States, Fraley et al (2006) found that securely connected survivors, those who could turn to others for emotional support, were able to deal with the trauma and grow from it, whereas insecurely attached survivors were experiencing significant mental health problems. In laboratory experiments, neuroscientists Dr James Coan and colleagues (2006) studied the brain’s pain response in a group of happily married women by administering electric shock to their big toe (nice!) under three different conditions: - With no one holding their hand
- With a stranger holding their hand when the shock was given
- With their husband holding their hand while the shock was given.
An MRI scanner recorded how much pain activation occurred in the women’s brains. The results astounded even the researchers. While the electric shock was the same voltage for all three settings, the women felt pain when no one held their hand. They felt less pain when a stranger held their hand. But when their husbands held their hand, they felt significantly less pain. Those who were most happily married (what Coan termed his “supercouples”, inasmuch as all the subjects had scored high on his test of marital satisfaction) were also most deeply soothed by their husbands’ hands. For those lucky women, not only the pain activation areas of the brain were attenuated with the husband hand-holding, but also, the regions of the brain which regulate emotion showed that the spousal hand had calmed and soothed them. Research on bonding suggests that lovers are flooded with the cuddle hormone, oxytocin, which also is released during orgasm, breast feeding, or even just when attachment figures come close to us. Oxytocin is linked to the release of dopamine, a natural opiate connected to pleasure, which modulates the stress hormone cortisol. Thus, the neurochemical basis of bonding – the physical source of the euphoric feeling associated with love – is no longer a mystery (Johnson, 2008). When couples can, through their interactions, form the kinds of attachments that generate these chemicals, they are creating a safe and happy bond. Clearly, then, to understand why a couples therapy based on attachment is so effective, we need to know about how attachment works. This article was adapted from the upcoming “Emotionally Focused Therapy” Mental Health Academy CPD course. The purpose of this course is to acquaint with the basic premises and concepts of EFT, recognising when EFT may be an indicated therapy for someone. References: Coan, J., Schaefer, H.S., & Davidson, R.J. (2006). Lending a hand: Social regulation of the neural response to threat. Psychological Science, 17 (12), 1032-1039. Retrieved on 28 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Fraley, C., Fazzari, D., Bonanno, G., & Dekel, S. (2006). Attachment and psychological adaptation in high exposure survivors of the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 538– 551. (2013). Emotionally Focused Therapy. Retrieved on 21 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Johnson, S. M. (2011). Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples: Key concepts. Lecture notes. Retrieved on 21 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Johnson, S. M. (2008). My, how couples therapy has changed! Attachment, love and science. Retrieved on 13 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Wikipedia. (2013a). Emotionally Focused Therapy. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved on 21 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Course information: Join our community:
The Institute has a list of recommended textbooks and DVDs that can add great value to your learning journey - and the good news is that you can purchase them very easily. The AIPC bookstore will give you discounted prices, an easy ordering method and quality guarantee! This fortnight's feature is... Name: Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 8th edition Authors: Corey, Corey and Callanan AIPC Code: COREY1 AIPC Price: $108.85 (RRP $129.95) ISBN: 978-049-581-2418 Up-to-date and comprehensive, the authors provide readers with the basis for discovering their own guidelines within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions.
Problem Gambling: Signs, Myths and Facts Also called “ludomania” or “compulsive gambling”, problem gambling occurs when someone has an urge to continuously gamble despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. It is not the gambler’s behaviour which defines whether problem gambling is occurring. Rather, it is whether the gambler or others experience harm from the gambling behaviour. At the severe end, it may be referred to as clinical “pathological gambling” if the gambler’s behaviour meets certain criteria (Wikipedia, 2012). Australia’s Ministerial Council of Gambling recommended the following definition: “Problem gambling is characterised by difficulties in limiting money and/or time spent on gambling which leads to adverse consequences for the gambler, others, or for the community.” (Ministerial Council on Gambling, n.d.) A Case Using Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Thomas is a 33 year old married man, who has recently become a father. He explains that he feels his self-esteem has been gradually deteriorating ever since he was married. He says that he can’t find reasons to enjoy life with his wife due to feelings of inadequacy as a husband. In his new role as a father, Thomas had hoped to find the happiness that he was looking for; however this has not been the case. He mentions that his relationship with his wife’s family is strained and thinks that this is the root of his problem. In this scenario, the Professional Counsellor will be using a Rational Emotive Behavioural approach with Thomas.
Mental Health Academy – First to Knowledge in Mental Health Get unlimited access to over 50 hours of CPD video workshops and over 100 specialist courses, for just $39/month or $349/year. Plus FREE and EXCLUSIVE access to the 10-hour Psychological First Aid program ($595.00 value). We want you to experience unlimited, unrestricted access to the largest repository of professional development programs available anywhere in the country. When you join our Premium Level membership, you’ll get all-inclusive access to over 50 hours of video workshops (presented by leading mental health experts) on-demand, 24/7. You’ll also get access to over 100 specialist courses exploring a huge range of topics, including counselling interventions, communications skills, conflict, child development, mental health disorders, stress and trauma, relationships, ethics, reflective practice, plus much more. You’ll also get FREE and EXCLUSIVE access to the Psychological First Aid course ($595.00 value). The PFA course a high quality 10-hour program developed by Mental Health Academy in partnership with the Australian Institute of Psychology and the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors, and framed around the internationally accepted principals of the NCTSN Field Operations Guide. Benefits of becoming a premium member: - FREE and exclusive PFA course ($595.00 value)
- Over 100 specialist courses to choose from
- Over 50 hours of video learning on-demand
- CPD endorsed by leading industry associations
- Videos presented by international experts
- New programs released every month
- Huge range of topics and modalities
- Online, 24/7 access
Some upcoming programs: - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- Treating Depression in the Older Adult
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Case studies from Kegan's Constructive Developmental Framework
- A Constructive-Developmental Approach in Therapy: Case Studies
- Sitting with Shadow: Case Studies
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- Emotionally Focused Therapy
- Drinking and Alcohol Related Harm among Adolescents and Young Adults
- Windmill Therapy for Positive Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health
- Counselling and Coaching: Compatible or Incompatible?
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Neuroscience, mirror neurons and talking therapies
- Working Through Ethical Dilemmas
Have you visited the Counselling Connection Blog yet? There are over 600 interesting posts including case studies, profiles, success stories, videos and much more. Make sure you too get connected (and thank you for those who have already submitted comments and suggestions). A Brief Comparison of Psychologies Who or what is a human being? How we respond to that query has implications for almost everything we do, but in this two-part series, we examine what it means for us as counsellors and mental health practitioners helping clients to achieve desired changes in their lives. Specifically, given what we understand about the nature of human beings, what can the different schools of psychology and counselling modalities tell us about how to help change happen? Are we human because we think? Descartes’ famous statement, “cogito ergo sum” – I think, therefore I am – would suggest that, if thinking is what sets us apart as human beings, then the psychologies that most greatly help clients change would be those that look at the way they think.
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"In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life." ~ Albert Bandura
Many students of the Diploma of Counselling attend seminars to complete the practical requirements of their course. Seminars provide an ideal opportunity to network with other students and liaise with qualified counselling professionals in conjunction with completing compulsory coursework. Not sure if you need to attend Seminars? Click here for information on Practical Assessments. Below are upcoming seminars available during the first semester of 2014. BRISBANE (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 15-16/03, 24-25/05 Communication Skills I: 09/02, 05/04, 21/06 Communication Skills II: 01/03, 11/05 Counselling Therapies I: 22-23/02, 31/05-01/06 Counselling Therapies II: 12-13/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 16/02, 03/05 Family Therapy: 30/03, 15/06 Case Management: 08-09/03 GOLD COAST (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 17-18/01, 04-05/04 Communication Skills I: 15/02, 17/05 Communication Skills II: 15/03, 21/06 Counselling Therapies I: 21-22/03 Counselling Therapies II: 23-24/05 Legal & Ethical Framework: 13/06 Family Therapy: 14/02 Case Management: 10-11/03 SUNSHINE COAST (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 08-09/02, 31/05-01/06 Communication Skills I: 08/03 Communication Skills II: 09/03 Counselling Therapies I: 22-23/03 Counselling Therapies II: 12-13/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 22/02 Family Therapy: 03/05 Case Management: 21/06 MELBOURNE (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 11-12/01, 28/02-01/13, 08-09/3, 05-06/04, 09-10/05, 13-14/06, 28-29/06 Communication Skills I: 18/01, 22/02, 02/03, 11/04, 11/05, 15/06 Communication Skills II: 19/01, 23/02, 07/03, 12/04, 17/05, 21/06 Counselling Therapies I: 25-26/01, 08-09/03, 12-13/04, 17-18/05, 27-28/06 Counselling Therapies II: 01-02/02, 15-16/03, 26-27/04, 24-25/05 Legal & Ethical Framework: 08/02, 22/03, 26/04, 31/05 Family Therapy: 09/02, 23/03, 27/04, 01/06 Case Management: 15-16/02, 29-30/03, 03-04/05, 07-08/06 DARWIN (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 05/04 Communication Skills I: 15/03, 14/06 Communication Skills II: 15/03, 14/06 Counselling Therapies I: 12/04 Counselling Therapies II: 08/02, 21/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 18/02 Family Therapy: 29/03 Case Management: 24/05 ADELAIDE (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 08-09/02, 05-06/04, 28-29/06 Communication Skills I: 18/01, 29/03, 17/05 Communication Skills II: 19/01, 30/03, 18/05 Counselling Therapies I: 15-16/02, 24-25/05 Counselling Therapies II: 01-02/03, 21-22/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 01/02, 03/05 Family Therapy: 02/02, 04/05, 24/08 Case Management: 22-23/03, 14-15/06 SYDNEY (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 30-31/01, 27-28/02, 14-15/03, 07-08/04, 02-03/05, 26-27/05, 27-28/06 Communication Skills I: 03/02, 20/03, 29/04, 29/05, 25/06 Communication Skills II: 04/02, 21/03, 29/04, 30/05, 26/06 Counselling Therapies I: 06-07/02, 27-28/03, 09-10/05 Counselling Therapies II: 24-25/02, 10-11/04, 23-24/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 01/02, 24/03, 12/05 Family Therapy: 26/02, 30/04 Case Management: 07-08/03, 16-17/05 LAUNCESTON (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 08/03, 13/06 Communication Skills I: 07/02, 16/05 Communication Skills II: 07/02, 16/05 Counselling Therapies I: 21/02, 27/06 Counselling Therapies II: 11/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 21/03 Family Therapy: 05/04 Case Management: 02/05 HOBART (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 06/04 Communication Skills I: 16/03, 15/06 Communication Skills II: 16/03, 15/06 Counselling Therapies I: 13/04 Counselling Therapies II: 09/02, 22/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 16/02 Family Therapy: 18/05 Case Management: 23/03 PERTH (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 11-12/01, 08-09/03, 03-04/05, 07-08/06 Communication Skills I: 18/01, 15/03, 10/05 Communication Skills II: 19/01, 16/03, 11/05 Counselling Therapies I: 01-02/02, 05-06/04, 14-15/06 Counselling Therapies II: 08-09/02, 12-13/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 15/02, 18/05 Family Therapy: 16/02, 24/05 Case Management: 22-23/02, 31/05-01/06 Important Note: Advertising of the dates above does not guarantee availability of places in the seminar. Please check availability with the respective Student Support Centre. Course information: Join our community: