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Institute of Professional Counsellors
Welcome to Edition 195 of Institute Inbrief and happy New Year! Our first edition of 2014 features an article on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, an approach developed by psychologist Marsha Linehan for use specifically with clients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Also in this edition: - News & course information
- MHSS Workshops: January/February
- Articles and CPD updates
- Blog and Twitter updates
- Upcoming seminar dates
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Become A Counsellor or Expand On Your Qualifications With Australia’s Most Cost Effective & Flexible Bachelor of Counselling AIPC is Australia’s largest and longest established educator of Counsellors. Over the past 22-years we’ve helped over 55,000 people from 27 countries pursue their dream of becoming a professional Counsellor. The Bachelor of Counselling is a careful blend of theory and practical application. Theory is learnt through user-friendly learning materials that have been carefully designed to make your studies as accessible and conducive to learning as possible. You can gain up to a full year’s academic credit (and save up to $8,700.00 with RPL) with a Diploma qualification. And with Fee-Help you don’t have to pay your subject fees upfront. Here are some facts about the course: - Save up to $57,000.00 on your qualification.
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Become A Psychologist Earn-While-You-Learn With Australia's Best Value-for-Money & Flexible Bachelor of Psychological Science Psychology is one of the most versatile undergraduate courses, leading to many different career opportunities. And now there's a truly flexible way to get your qualification – with internal or external study options. It means working while you study is a realistic alternative. Cost of living pressures and lifestyle choices are evolving the way we learn and Australian Institute of Psychology (AIP) is paving the way through flexible, innovative learning models: - Save up to $34,800 on your qualification.
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AIP is a registered Higher Education Provider with the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, delivering a three-year Bachelor of Psychological Science. The Bachelor of Psychological Science is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC), the body that sets the standards of training for Psychology education in Australasia. APAC accreditation requirements are uniform across all universities and providers in the country, meaning that Australian Institute of Psychology, whilst a private Higher Education Provider, is required to meet exactly the same high quality standards of training, education and support as any university provider in the country.
Imagine Being Passionate About Your Work And Assisting People Every Day Lead Better Lives It’s rare these days to hear people talk about their work with true passion. You hear so many stories of people working to pay the bills; putting up with imperfect situations; and compromising on their true desires. That’s why it’s always so refreshing to hear regular stories from graduates living their dream to be a Counsellor. They’re always so full of energy, enthusiasm and passion. There’s no doubt that counselling is one of the most personally rewarding and enriching professions. Just imagine someone comes to you for assistance. They’re emotionally paralysed by events in their life. They can’t even see a future for themselves. They can only focus on their pain and grief. The despair is so acute it pervades their entire life. Their relationship is breaking down and heading towards a divorce. They can’t focus on work and are getting in trouble with their boss. They feel they should be able to handle their problems alone, but know they can’t. It makes them feel helpless, worthless. Their self-esteem has never been lower. They’re caught in a cycle of destruction and pain. Now imagine you have the knowledge and skills to help this person overcome their challenges. You assist to relieve their intense emotional pain. You give them hope for the future. You assist to rebuild their self-esteem and lead a satisfying, empowered life. As a Counsellor you can experience these personal victories every day. And it’s truly enriching. There is nothing more fulfilling than helping another person overcome seemingly impossible obstacles. Learn more here:
Is Sleep The Price We Pay for Learning? Two sleep scientists from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health have introduced a hypothesis that challenges the theory that sleep strengthens brain connections. Instead, the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis of sleep — SHY — says that sleep is important because it weakens the connections among brain cells to save energy, avoid cellular stress and maintain the ability of neurons to respond selectively to stimuli. “Sleep is the price the brain must pay for learning and memory,” says Dr. Giulio Tononi, of the university’s Center for Sleep and Consciousness. “When awake, learning strengthens the synaptic connections throughout the brain, increasing the need for energy and saturating the brain with new information. Sleep allows the brain to reset, helping integrate newly learned material with consolidated memories, so the brain can begin anew the next day. ” Two Behavioral Interventions Help Cancer Patients Struggling With Sleep Issues Cancer patients who are struggling with sleep troubles, due in part to pain or side effects of treatment, can count on two behavioral interventions for relief -- cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), Penn Medicine researchers report in a new study published online in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. While CBT-I is the gold standard of care, MBSR is an additional treatment approach that can also help improve sleep for cancer patients, the study found. “Insomnia and disturbed sleep are significant problems that can affect approximately half of all cancer patients,” said lead study author Sheila Garland, PhD, a Clinical Psychology Post-Doctoral Fellow at Penn's Abramson Cancer Center in Integrative Oncology and Behavioral Sleep Medicine. “If not properly addressed, sleep disturbances can negatively influence therapeutic and supportive care measures for these patients, so it's critical that clinicians can offer patients reliable, effective, and tailored interventions.”
MHSS: Help those around you suffering mental illness in silence Our suicide rate is now TWICE our road toll. Many suicides could possibly be averted, if only the people close to the victim were able to identify the early signs and appropriately intervene. RIGHT NOW someone you care about – a family member, friend, or colleague – may be suffering in silence, and you don’t know. With the right training, you can help that family member, friend or colleague. Save $100 when you join an upcoming Mental Health Social Support workshop. Upcoming workshops in December/January: Gold Coast, QLD: 18 & 19 January Gold Coast, QLD: 25 & 26 January Ferny Grove, QLD: 08 & 09 February Gold Coast, QLD: 22 & 23 February Your registration includes the 2-day facilitated workshop; a hardcopy of the MHSS Student Workbook; and access to an online dashboard where you can obtain your certificate, watch role-play videos, and much more. Endorsements The Mental Health Social Support workshop is approved by several industry Associations for continuing professional development. Learn more: MHSS Specialties Once you complete the MHSS Core program you can undertake the MHSS Specialty Programs: - Aiding Addicts;
- Supporting those with Depression or Anxiety
- Supporting the Suicidal and Suicide Bereaved
- Supporting Challenged Families.
Fundamentals of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, or DBT, was developed in 1993 by U.S. psychologist Marsha Linehan for use specifically with clients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), who cope with distressing emotions and situations by using self-destructive behaviours such as suicide and self-harm, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Linehan’s assessment of the therapies available to BPD clients at the time was that traditional treatments were “woefully inadequate” (1993, p 3). DBT has two decades of research behind it and is considered the “gold standard” for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder (Grohol, 2009). Recent research, for example, has shown that DBT is effective at reducing the harmful behaviours that go with BPD diagnosis. In a randomised controlled study within a routine Australian public mental health service, adult patients with BPD were provided with outpatient DBT for six months with patient outcomes compared to those obtained from patients in a wait list group receiving treatment as usual. After six months, the DBT group showed significantly greater reductions in suicidal and non-suicidal self-injury, emergency department visits, psychiatric admissions and bed days. On self-report measures, the DBT patients demonstrated significantly improved depression, anxiety and general symptom severity scores compared to the treatment-as-usual group. Average treatment costs were significantly lower for those patients in DBT than those receiving treatment as usual (Pasieczny & Connor, 2011). Providing DBT can be both clinically effective and cost effective. DBT’s origins: The insight and the hypothesis If you have worked professionally with populations which have suffered from childhood abuse, particularly sexual abuse, you know the seemingly intractable psychological damage it inflicts on its victims. Moreover, many of them have additionally had to cope with dealing with the trauma in a profoundly invalidating environment. Linehan hypothesised that it was the combination of an emotionally vulnerable individual growing up in an invalidating environment which produced Borderline Personality Disorder. She defines “emotionally vulnerable” as someone whose autonomic nervous system reacts excessively to relatively low levels of stress and takes longer than normal to return to “baseline” (normal) once the stress is removed (Linehan, 1993). The invalidating environment of BPD family of origin. Linehan depicts an invalidating environment as one in which the personal experiences and resources of the growing child are disqualified or invalidated by the caregivers and significant others in her life (note to the reader: we use “she” to refer to the BPD client throughout this course because most of those diagnosed with BPD are female; in the Consumers’ and Carers’ Survey (McMahon & Lawn, 2011), 88 per cent of the BPD-diagnosed “consumer” respondents participating were women). The invalidating experiences could be , for example, those of not accepting the child’s personal communications as an accurate indication of her true feelings, or implying that – even if the communications were a true reflection of her feelings – having such feelings would not be valid for the circumstances. Invalidating environments, found Linehan, tend to place a premium on self-control and self-reliance. Caregivers in such environments tend to believe that any difficulties in achieving those qualities show characterological deficits and that inability to perform to the expected standard is therefore due to the child being either lazy or unmotivated (Psych Central, 2007a). Setting up the BPD-to-be. Let us review the chain of events put into motion by such a difficult early environment. When a sensitive, emotionally vulnerable person is told that her reactions are not an accurate indication of her feelings, or that – even if they were, they would not be appropriate for the situation – she cannot learn how to label her feelings, or trust them as valid reactions to events. Similarly, she will have greater difficulty coping with stressful situations, because her reactions (perceptions of problems) are not acknowledged. Believing that she cannot cope, she is thus led to look externally, to others, for indications of how she should feel and for help with solving problems. By definition, an invalidating environment will be even less capable than a normal one of allowing her to make demands on others. The heightened perception of need for help combined with the diminished possibility of receiving it set up a situation of pinging back and forth between two poles: emotional inhibition, on the one hand, in order to gain acceptance and spectacular displays of emotion – in order to have feelings acknowledged – on the other. The poor-quality environment, relationally speaking, will not know how to handle such extreme oscillation, resulting in intermittent reinforcement: the response that, according to behaviourism, will most surely result in the behaviour persisting. The consequence of persistent (partially reinforced) swinging back and forth between emotional inhibition and emotional overreaction sets up a failure to control and regulate emotions. BPD clients are characterised by a lack of skill with emotional modulation. The resultant “emotional dysregulation” combines with the person’s emotional vulnerability and the invalidating environment to produce the typical symptoms of BPD. The childhood sexual abuse experienced by most BPD clients is perhaps the most common and also most extreme form of invalidation (Psych Central, 2007a). DBT: Roots and characteristics Dialectical Behaviour Therapy combines standard CBT (cognitive-behavioural therapy) techniques for regulating emotion and testing reality with concepts of distress tolerance, acceptance, and mindfulness chiefly originating with Buddhist and other Eastern meditative practices (Wikipedia, 2013). Here are the main features. 1. DBT is support-oriented. Rather than merely examine what is wrong, the processes help a person to identify her strengths and build on them so that she can feel better about herself and her life. 2. DBT is cognitive-based. In true CBT fashion, DBT helps clients identify thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions that are making life harder for them. Examples of these could be: “I have to be perfect or I’m worthless”, “I got angry, so I must be a terrible person”. DBT helps clients to replace these with more helpful thoughts and beliefs, ones which make life easier to bear: for example, “I’m quite competent at tennis, but I am still a beginner at negotiation skills” or “Anger is a natural, protective emotion, and most people experience it at some time.” 3. DBT is collaborative. The goal is to have the therapist as an ally rather than an adversary as the issues are worked through. Thus, the therapist aims to accept and validate the client’s feelings at any given time, BUT – and here is one of the dialectical aspects – the therapist does not shy away from showing the client how some feelings and behaviours are maladaptive and pointing out better alternatives (Wikipedia 2013). Thus, through such a tough-love stance, the therapist achieves the synthesis of two polar opposites, e.g.: “I accept you as you are” and also, “Changing some things can bring you higher quality of life.” Clients are encouraged to work out problems in their relationships with their therapist, and therapists are encouraged to do the same with them. Moreover, therapists are encouraged to support one another in supporting the BPD clients (Psych Central, 2007b). 4. Having an experienced DBT therapist is key. Along with (3), collaboration, a high-quality therapeutic alliance between the therapist and the client is key. The emphasis in DBT is on this being a genuinely human relationship, one in which the needs of both therapist and client are considered. Due to the nature of the BPD client population, burnout is a real risk for the therapist, and thus Linehan was keen to set up a team approach, where support was not an optional extra. So clients gets DBT from the therapist and therapists give DBT to each other. There are a number of assumptions that DBT therapists are asked to make in undertaking DBT work; these are crucial for success: - That the client wants to change and is doing her best at any time to achieve this.
- That her behaviour pattern is understandable given her background and present circumstances.
Despite (2 above), however, she needs to try harder if she wants life to improve. How her life has come about is not entirely her fault, but she is responsible for making things different. 5. Clients do not fail in DBT. If a client finds things are not improving, it is the treatment that is failing. The therapist must avoid viewing or talking about the client in pejorative terms. In particular, Linehan stressed that the word “manipulative” needed to be avoided. While BPD clients can easily evoke in people a sense of being manipulated, Linehan stressed that this was not arguably the case, as “manipulation” connotes conscious control of circumstances, whereas BPD clients are more commonly simply unskilled at managing situations and asking directly for their needs to be met. There is an acknowledgement that an unconditional relationship between therapist and client is not humanly possible; if the client tries hard enough, she can make the therapist reject her. Thus, the therapist strives to make the limits as clear as possible from the outset, and it is therefore in the client’s interest to learn to treat the therapist in a way that encourages him or her to want to continue helping. It is not in her interests to burn out the therapist. This issue is confronted openly. The therapist is asked to take up a non-defensive stance in regard to the therapy; “perfect” therapy isn’t possible, and therapists are fallible human beings, too. Mistakes will be made, and this must be accepted. 6. DBT has a longer time frame than CBT. DBT treatment usually takes at least a year, and requires considerable commitment on the part of both the client and the therapist: often twice weekly visits. This contrasts with the relatively briefer therapy mode of CBT, which is usually between 6 and 20 sessions (Adults Surviving Child Abuse, 2008; Dialectical Behaviour, 2009). 7. DBT uses a dialectical approach to achieve progressive change. Dialectics: what it is and how it is used in DBT Briefly, dialectics can be said to be the mind’s way of understanding things by comprehending their polar opposites (Elliott, 2010). We perceive most core concepts in this way; for instance, we know light because we have experienced darkness, happiness because we have experienced sorrow, and fidelity because we have experienced betrayal. Dialectics is based on the notion that we fully comprehend things when we perceive not only the pair of polar opposites, but also, the integration of the two at a higher level. Not only concepts, but all of existence relies on the fact that the world is constructed and perceived around seeming opposites. The problem is that the word “opposite” implies something antagonistic and irreconcilable. Yet Eastern mystic traditions and even modern physics have been showing us that what often seem like totally opposite ideas are in fact, two sides of the same coin, each representing a side of the truth. The same holds true for views of our self and others. Thus, applied to the world views commonly experienced by BPD clients, we can look at seemingly opposite perspectives which people could hold about themselves or the world which lead to a similar, poor outcome: - Both people who feel ultra-dependent on others and also those who must be independent at all times often fail to get useful help when it would come in handy
- Both folks who feel blameworthy most of the time and also at those who fail to accept appropriate blame tend to have blame thrown at them
- Both people who feel unworthy of having their needs met and also those who feel excessively entitled tend to cause people to avoid meeting their needs (Elliott, 2010).
We could go on. The list of extreme, opposite views of self and others is endless, but sadly, most examples from it produce the same rigid stances, tumultuous feelings, damage to relationships and health, and unrealistic expectations that burden the BPD client. Enter DBT: Linehan’s therapy for helping BPD clients to find an integrated middle ground that puts them on the road to healing. That is: the BPD learns how to hold a point of tension with notions such as, “I need to learn to help myself” and “It is ok to ask for help sometimes” and with propositions such as, “My therapist fully accepts me” and “She is suggesting some behaviours that I might want to change”. References: Adults Surviving Child Abuse. (2008). Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). ASCA. Retrieved on 5 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in Australia. Retrieved on 5 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Elliott, C. (2010). What does dialectical mean? Psych Central. Retrieved on 5 November, 2103, from: hyperlink. Grohol, J. (2009). Another treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. Psych Central. Retrieved on 5 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Linehan, M. (1993). Skills training manual for treating Borderline Personality Disorder. United States: Guilford Publications. Pasieczny, N. & Connor, J. (2011). The effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy in routine public mental health settings: An Australian controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2011, Jan; 49(1) 4-10. Doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2010.09.006. Epub2010 Oct 1. Psych Central. (2007a). Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. PsychCentral. Retrieved on 5 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Psych Central. (2007b). An overview of dialectical behavior therapy. Psych Central. Retrieved on 5 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Wikipedia. (2013). Dialectical behavior therapy. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved on 5 November, 2013, from: hyperlink. Course information: Join our community:
The Institute has a list of recommended textbooks and DVDs that can add great value to your learning journey - and the good news is that you can purchase them very easily. The AIPC bookstore will give you discounted prices, an easy ordering method and quality guarantee! This fortnight's feature is... Name: Psychology 10th edition Authors: Wade, C. and Travis, Carol AIPC Code: WADE AIPC Price: $127.30 (RRP $151.95) ISBN: 978-020-571-1468 This book emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and the integration of culture and gender in the science of psychology.
Fostering Resilience: In-session boosters to help clients bounce back Suppose someone asks you, a mental health practitioner, “What is the most important thing you do as a counsellor (psychotherapist/psychologist/social worker) for your clients?” Your response might go along the lines of “helping them sort out their problems”, “educating them and inspiring them to make their lives work,” or possibly “providing support and a safe container while they explore new [presumably more effective] ways of being”. Whatever your particular way of framing the answer, the chances are that you have identified a role of supporting and helping build your clients’ resilience, even if you never call it that when you are with them. Indeed, fostering resilience – the great art of helping others to bounce back – is the foundation of what we do as mental health professionals. But just how, exactly, do you do it? What tools or techniques have you got in your bag of tricks to foster resilience at the very practical level of in-session work? A Case of Using a Person-Centred and Cognitive-Behavioural Approach to Burnout Brett is a 36 year old man who works as an accountant for a small family business. The business is failing and Brett will probably have to begin the process of “winding it up” in the near future. His commitment to the business and his friends, the business owners, has intensified the level of stress he is feeling as a result of the business collapse. He has taken a week off work on sick leave and feels too “stressed” to return to work.
Mental Health Academy – First to Knowledge in Mental Health Get unlimited access to over 50 hours of CPD video workshops and over 100 specialist courses, for just $39/month or $349/year. Plus FREE and EXCLUSIVE access to the 10-hour Psychological First Aid program ($595.00 value). We want you to experience unlimited, unrestricted access to the largest repository of professional development programs available anywhere in the country. When you join our Premium Level membership, you’ll get all-inclusive access to over 50 hours of video workshops (presented by leading mental health experts) on-demand, 24/7. You’ll also get access to over 100 specialist courses exploring a huge range of topics, including counselling interventions, communications skills, conflict, child development, mental health disorders, stress and trauma, relationships, ethics, reflective practice, plus much more. You’ll also get FREE and EXCLUSIVE access to the Psychological First Aid course ($595.00 value). The PFA course a high quality 10-hour program developed by Mental Health Academy in partnership with the Australian Institute of Psychology and the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors, and framed around the internationally accepted principals of the NCTSN Field Operations Guide. Benefits of becoming a premium member: - FREE and exclusive PFA course ($595.00 value)
- Over 100 specialist courses to choose from
- Over 50 hours of video learning on-demand
- CPD endorsed by leading industry associations
- Videos presented by international experts
- New programs released every month
- Huge range of topics and modalities
- Online, 24/7 access
Some upcoming programs: - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- Treating Depression in the Older Adult
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Case studies from Kegan's Constructive Developmental Framework
- A Constructive-Developmental Approach in Therapy: Case Studies
- Sitting with Shadow: Case Studies
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- Emotionally Focused Therapy
- Drinking and Alcohol Related Harm among Adolescents and Young Adults
- Windmill Therapy for Positive Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health
- Counselling and Coaching: Compatible or Incompatible?
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Neuroscience, mirror neurons and talking therapies
Have you visited the Counselling Connection Blog yet? There are over 600 interesting posts including case studies, profiles, success stories, videos and much more. Make sure you too get connected (and thank you for those who have already submitted comments and suggestions). Graduate Story – Julie Brodie I had the privilege of graduating from AIPC Adelaide on the 16th November 2012 with a Diploma in Counselling, I was 47 years old at the finish line. My journey began back in 2007 – well actually it began long before that! You see, in 1995 I was involved in a workplace accident that put me in a wheelchair, and every day since has been a constant struggle with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, every couple of months I go into hospital for stronger pain relief. At the time of the accident, I had a 7yr old daughter & 4yr old son. Living in country SA, there was no support here for me or my family. Fast forward 9yrs, life had settled into a routine as a single mum, when my daughter, now 16, disclosed to her teacher that my partner had been sexually assaulting her, she had started self-harming and she tried to take her own life several times. Still there was no support for her or the family – I had to travel up to 450km per week to get her the counselling that she so desperately needed. After a long struggle to get her stable (and I thank God every day that she is now a very well-adjusted young adult, married with a child & another on the way!). We saw a few psychologists & counsellors before finding one that she could connect with, but it was what changed our lives, still there was nothing to help the extended family, that being my son & myself, we just had to do what needed to be done on any given day, & get through somehow.
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"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." ~ Emelia Earhart
Many students of the Diploma of Counselling attend seminars to complete the practical requirements of their course. Seminars provide an ideal opportunity to network with other students and liaise with qualified counselling professionals in conjunction with completing compulsory coursework. Not sure if you need to attend Seminars? Click here for information on Practical Assessments. Below are upcoming seminars available during the first semester of 2014. BRISBANE (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 15-16/03, 24-25/05 Communication Skills I: 09/02, 05/04, 21/06 Communication Skills II: 01/03, 11/05 Counselling Therapies I: 22-23/02, 31/05-01/06 Counselling Therapies II: 12-13/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 16/02, 04/05 Family Therapy: 02/03, 15/06 Case Management: 08-09/03 GOLD COAST (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 17-18/01, 04-05/04 Communication Skills I: 15/02, 17/05 Communication Skills II: 15/03, 21/06 Counselling Therapies I: 21-22/03 Counselling Therapies II: 23-24/05 Legal & Ethical Framework: 13/06 Family Therapy: 14/02 Case Management: 10-11/03 SUNSHINE COAST (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 08-09/02, 31/05-01/06 Communication Skills I: 08/03 Communication Skills II: 09/03 Counselling Therapies I: 22-23/03 Counselling Therapies II: 12-13/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 22/02 Family Therapy: 03/05 Case Management: 21/06 MELBOURNE (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 28/02-01/13, 08-09/3, 05-06/04, 09-10/05, 13-14/06, 28-29/06 Communication Skills I: 18/01, 22/02, 02/03, 11/04, 11/05, 15/06 Communication Skills II: 19/01, 23/02, 07/03, 12/04, 17/05, 21/06 Counselling Therapies I: 25-26/01, 08-09/03, 12-13/04, 17-18/05, 27-28/06 Counselling Therapies II: 01-02/02, 15-16/03, 26-27/04, 24-25/05 Legal & Ethical Framework: 08/02, 22/03, 26/04, 31/05 Family Therapy: 09/02, 23/03, 27/04, 01/06 Case Management: 15-16/02, 29-30/03, 03-04/05, 07-08/06 DARWIN (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 05/04 Communication Skills I: 15/03, 14/06 Communication Skills II: 15/03, 14/06 Counselling Therapies I: 12/04 Counselling Therapies II: 08/02, 21/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 18/02 Family Therapy: 29/03 Case Management: 24/05 ADELAIDE (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 08-09/02, 05-06/04, 28-29/06 Communication Skills I: 18/01, 29/03, 17/05 Communication Skills II: 19/01, 30/03, 18/05 Counselling Therapies I: 15-16/02, 24-25/05 Counselling Therapies II: 01-02/03, 21-22/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 01/02, 03/05 Family Therapy: 02/02, 04/05, 24/08 Case Management: 22-23/03, 14-15/06 SYDNEY (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 30-31/01, 27-28/02, 14-15/03, 07-08/04, 02-03/05, 26-27/05, 27-28/06 Communication Skills I: 03/02, 20/03, 29/04, 29/05, 25/06 Communication Skills II: 04/02, 21/03, 29/04, 30/05, 26/06 Counselling Therapies I: 06-07/02, 27-28/03, 09-10/05 Counselling Therapies II: 24-25/02, 10-11/04, 23-24/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 01/02, 24/03, 12/05 Family Therapy: 26/02, 30/04 Case Management: 07-08/03, 16-17/05 LAUNCESTON (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 08/03, 13/06 Communication Skills I: 07/02, 16/05 Communication Skills II: 07/02, 16/05 Counselling Therapies I: 21/02, 27/06 Counselling Therapies II: 11/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 21/03 Family Therapy: 05/04 Case Management: 02/05 HOBART (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 06/04 Communication Skills I: 16/03, 15/06 Communication Skills II: 16/03, 15/06 Counselling Therapies I: 13/04 Counselling Therapies II: 09/02, 22/06 Legal & Ethical Framework: 16/02 Family Therapy: 18/05 Case Management: 23/03 PERTH (9.00am – 5.00pm) The Counselling Process: 08-09/03, 03-04/05, 07-08/06 Communication Skills I: 18/01, 15/03, 10/05 Communication Skills II: 19/01, 16/03, 11/05 Counselling Therapies I: 01-02/02, 05-06/04, 14-15/06 Counselling Therapies II: 08-09/02, 12-13/04 Legal & Ethical Framework: 15/02, 18/05 Family Therapy: 16/02, 24/05 Case Management: 22-23/02, 31/05-01/06 Important Note: Advertising of the dates above does not guarantee availability of places in the seminar. Please check availability with the respective Student Support Centre. Course information: Join our community: