
A Case of Career Development

Jessica is a 32 year old professional executive who has recently been given the opportunity of completing her Masters in Professional Development with an organisation who value her expertise in her chosen career and have great confidence in her achievement of goals in their particular field. She has studied hard for over a third of her life and has recently married a family-orientated professional... »

Career Guidelines – Entering the Market

As the job market is extremely competitive, pursuing a successful career after receiving your qualification can be challenging in any industry. As a Counsellor, you can equip yourself with various practical skills and knowledge that will assist you to be competitive and responsive to industry needs. To make your successful career more plausible, we've developed some guidelines that cover a few asp... »

Career Counselling – A Field of Counselling Specialisation

If you are travelling the counsellor training road somewhere between Units 1 and 22, your primary goal right now is probably just to see those C's filling up your assessment sheet. But what might you be doing once you have your Diploma? You may want to do further study - perhaps take on an advanced study major or even go on to university. Or maybe specialising hasn't even crossed your mind but it ... »